Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired

Once again, here I am starting over on my quest for fitness.  I've been exercising on and off for the past few years but I never seem to be able to sustain any weight loss.  My eating  habits are atrocious!!!  Today will be day 1 of a hybrid program of P90X and Insanity.  I am going to follow a combination of the nutrition guide that comes with both programs as well as The Abs Diet for Women.  My starting weight is 145 pounds and my measurements are as follows:

Neck - 13.25 in
Chest - 39 in
Right Bicep - 11.5 in
Left Bicep - 12 in
Right Forearm - 9 in
Left Forearm - 8.75 in
Waist - 37 in
Hips - 39.75 in
Right Thigh - 24 in
Left Thigh - 24 in
Right Calf - 13.5 in
Left Calf - 13.75 in

Before pics taken 24 June 2013

To say that I am disgusted with the way I look is s HUGE understatement, pun intended. I WILL succeed this time because my health and happiness depend on it!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 18 - 16 June 2011

Breakfast: 1 cup Fiber One cereal and 1 cup 1% milk

Morning Snack: 3 egg whites and 1 yolk

Lunch: 2 slices of 7 grain toast with peanut butter

Afternoon Snack: I forgot :o(

Dinner: Speedies on hoagie rolls and steamed carrots and broccoli

I'm supposed to do Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit tonight but I'm considering taking the night off. I'm starting to wonder if I bit off more than I could chew and whether or not I'm over-training. I really don't want to skip my workout but I don't want to hurt myself either. I did get some exercise tonight because I mowed the lawn. I guess I'm gonna rest for the next 20 minutes or so and then decide.

Day 17 - 15 June 2011

Breakfast: 1 cup Fiber One cereal and 1 cup 1% milk

Morning Snack: 3 egg whites and 1 egg yolk

Lunch: chicken salad sandwich and a handful of raisins

Afternoon Snack: Orangeman Smoothie

Dinner: BBQ stuffed potato, corn on the cob, corn muffin and sweet tea

P90X Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper X. I completed the entire Shoulders and Arms workout and it felt GREAT!! I actually had to go and buy 8 pound weights this past weekend because the 5 pound weights just weren't cutting it anymore. That's proof that I'm getting stronger :o) I still modified the Ab Ripper X workout but this time I did 14 reps per exercise instead of 12. I'll stick with that for the next week or so and then increase it to 16.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 16 - 14 June 2011

Breakfast: 1 cup of Fiber One cereal and 1 cup 1% milk

Morning Snack: Orangeman Smoothie

Lunch: 2 slices of whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter

Afternoon Snack: 3 egg whites and 1 yolk

Dinner: Crispy Chicken salad - YUMMY!!!

Insanity Pure Cardio - This workout is truly INSANE!! The instructor even implies it at the end of the workout before starting cool down by saying, "That shit is BA-NANAS!!!" I was literally drenched in sweat and I have no idea how I made it upstairs to take a shower. It will be interesting to see how I feel in the morning!!

Day 15 - 13 June 2011

Breakfast: Protein Oatmeal

Morning Snack: Orangeman Smoothie

Lunch: Chicken Salad sandwich and a handful of raisins

Afternoon Snack: Kashi granola bar

Dinner: Ground turkey, pasta and brown gravy

P90X Chest and Back and Ab Ripper X. We still modified the Chest and Back workout. The pull ups are killer so we only did one round. We're gonna try really hard to do two rounds next week. We also modified Ab Ripper X and only did 12 reps for each exercise. I think the plan is to increase to 14 reps next week.

Day 14 - 12 June 2011

Breakfast: 1 cup Fiber One cereal and 1 cup 1% milk

Morning Snack: N/A

Lunch: Chili's - Chips and Salsa and Chicken Fajitas, blackberry iced tea

Afternoon snack: N/A

Dinner: Homemade Manicotti and garlic bread

Obviously I didn't do so hot with my diet today. Thank goodness tomorrow is the start of a new week!!

I was supposed to do P90X X-stretch but I decided to rest today instead in order to recharge.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 13 - 11 June 2011

Breakfast: French dipped Cinnamon Toast (This was a big mistake and I payed for it ALL day!!!)

Morning Snack: N/A

Lunch: 1 cup Fiber One cereal and 1 cup 1% milk

Afternoon Snack: N/A

Dinner: house salad with low-fat ranch dressing, 6 ounce sirloin, and baked potato with sour cream
(I'm not even going to attempt to make an excuse because there isn't one. All I'm going to say is that you would think I would have learned by now!!!! I am so ashamed of myself and I deserve the tummy ache that I have right now.)

I did Cardio Recovery today. It may sound like it's an easy workout but it really isn't. There is a lot of deep muscle work with this one and I MOST definitely felt it. I have a feeling I will have a hard time walking in the morning but it will be worth it. I am so proud of myself for not making an excuse to skip my workout tonight even though my tummy is a mess. I am bound and determined that I am going to reach my goal, even if it takes me an entire year. At least I have the workout portion down. Now if I could just be as dedicated with my diet!!!